SOLOS APP Privacy Policy

Thank you for choosing to use the services provided by Shanghai Moegi Co., Ltd. (referred to as “we”). This indicates your trust in our handling of your information. We are fully aware of the significant responsibility involved and are committed to protecting your personal information and privacy rights. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the current privacy policy or the specific implementation of our privacy policy, please contact us at

This privacy policy describes the information we may collect from you when you: ●Download and use the application developed by us - SOLOS APP. ●Collaborate with us through other means - sales, marketing, or promotional activities.

In this privacy policy, the following terms will be used: ●Application, refers to the application developed by us that references this privacy policy, including all the applications listed above. ●Services, refers to the applications developed by us and related services, such as sales, marketing, or promotional activities.

This privacy policy aims to assist you in understanding what information we collect, why we collect it, and how you can update, manage, export, and delete your information. If you do not agree with any of the following, please immediately stop using the services we provide.

Please be sure to carefully read and fully understand this privacy policy as it will help you understand how we use the information we collect.

1.What information do we collect?

The content you create or provide to us. In short, we collect the information you provide to us. We collect the information you voluntarily provide to us when you perform certain actions within the application or contact us.

The specific information we collect depends on your specific actions within the application and the specific features you use. The information we may collect includes: ●Payment information. When you make in-app purchases, we collect the necessary information to complete your purchase, such as your order code and order time. The payment process is handled through the App Store, WeChat, and Alipay. You can refer to their privacy policies for more details:,, and The

Information Automatically Collected When You Use the Service In summary, when you use our service, we automatically collect some information from you. During your usage of our service, we automatically gather certain information. This information is not associated with your account and is primarily used to ensure the proper functioning of our service, understand how our service is being used, and help us with analysis and improvements.

The information we may collect includes: ●Logs and usage information: During your use of our service, we automatically collect analytical, usage, and performance data associated with the service. Your behavioral data while using the service is recorded in our backend through Firebase Analytics (Firebase Analytics Privacy Policy: Information such as the app version, system version, device model, and generated error messages that you encounter while using the service may be stored on your device in text form. You can choose to voluntarily send this information to us to help with analysis when you encounter issues.

Information Collected with Your Permission When You Use the Service In summary, when you use our service and grant us permission, we collect device information, geolocation, fitness and exercise data, health information, and push notifications to enhance the functionality of the services we provide.

When you use our application, we collect the following information: ●Mobile device information: With your permission, we collect device information, including: ○For Android devices, we collect information such as device MAC/IMEI/IMSI for statistical analysis. ○For iPhone/iPad, we collect device model information for statistical analysis. ●Operating system version, application version, network connection status, IP address (or proxy address). When you use our application, we also obtain a unique identifier generated by the operating system for each application installation. ●Push notifications: With your permission, we request authorization to send push notifications when you use specific features. You can revoke your authorization for us to send push notifications at any time in the system settings.

Information Collected from Other Sources In summary, we may collect information from publicly accessible databases, market partners, and other external sources.

We may gather relevant information from publicly accessible sources. We may also collect relevant information from trusted partners, including directory service partners, marketing partners, and security protection partners. Additionally, we may receive information from advertisers to provide advertising and survey services on their behalf.

2.How We Use the Collected Information

In summary, we use your information for the purpose of providing support for our services, processing your transactions, communicating with you, and complying with legal obligations. We may also use your information for other purposes with your consent.

We only use your personal data when there is a lawful basis for doing so. Depending on the specific circumstances, we may rely on your consent or the necessity of processing to fulfill a contract with you, protect your vital interests or those of others, or fulfill legal obligations. We may also process your personal data if we believe it is in our or someone else’s legitimate interests, taking into account your interests, rights, and expectations. If you have any questions regarding the relevant legal basis, please contact us at

We will use the collected information for the following purposes: ●Processing your transactions: In order to process transactions, we need to collect your mobile phone number and purchase content data. ●Providing support for our services: We collect the necessary personal data to provide support for our services. The collected data may be used for personalization or improvement of products or services, internal purposes such as auditing or data analysis, or troubleshooting. ●Communication with you: To respond to your inquiries, contact you regarding your transactions or account, promote our products and services, provide other relevant information, or request information or feedback from you. Occasionally, we may use personal data to send important notifications, such as information about purchases and changes to terms, conditions, and policies. ●Security and fraud prevention: To protect individuals, employees, and ourselves, prevent losses, and prevent fraud. This includes providing protection for individuals, employees, and ourselves for the purpose of safeguarding the interests of all users, pre-screening or scanning uploaded content for potential illegal content, including child abuse content. ●Compliance with legal obligations: To comply with applicable laws, such as fulfilling tax or reporting obligations or complying with lawful government requests.

3.Will the information we collect from you be shared with other organizations?

In short, we will only share your information with our service providers, partners, or other parties as instructed by you, with your permission, or as required by law, in order to provide the services you need or fulfill our business requirements.

We may share your information in the following ways: ●With your consent: We may share your information with others based on your instructions or with your explicit consent. ●Legal requirements: We may process your information based on legitimate business needs. ●Contractual obligations: We may process your information based on the terms you have agreed to. ●Collection and use of personal information exempted from consent by law: In the following cases, we may use your personal information without seeking your authorization, in accordance with laws, regulations, and relevant national standards: ○Cases directly related to national security and national defense. ○Cases directly related to public safety, public health, or significant public interests. ○Cases directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments. ○Cases where it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual but necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or other individuals, such as life and property. ○Cases where the personal information collected is voluntarily disclosed by you to the public. ○Cases where personal information is collected from legally disclosed information, such as lawful news reports, government information disclosure, and other channels. ○Cases necessary for entering into or performing contracts at your request. ○Cases necessary for ensuring the secure and stable operation of relevant services, such as discovering and handling faults in software and related services. ○Cases necessary for legitimate news reporting. ○Cases where academic research institutions conduct statistical or academic research based on public interests and provide de-identified results externally. ○Other circumstances as stipulated by laws and regulations.

We may share your data with the following third parties: ●Service providers: When software service providers, smart device providers, or system service providers collaborate with us to provide services to you (e.g., when you need to use location-based features), we may collect your location information and related device information (such as hardware model, operating system version, International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI), and Media Access Control (MAC) address) in de-identified form and provide them to the aforementioned providers to enable the functionality. ●Advertising partners: We may share the information you provide with partners who are entrusted with promoting and delivering advertisements. However, we will not share personally identifiable information such as names or ID numbers. Instead, we will provide these partners with user profile tags that are difficult to identify personally, as well as de-identified or anonymized information, to help improve the effectiveness of targeted advertising without identifying individual identities.

4.Which organizations will your information be shared with?

In short, we only share your information with the following types of organizations.

We only share and disclose your de-identified information with the following types of organizations. If you wish to revoke consent when we use your information according to the terms, please contact us at ● Data analytics services. Currently, we use Firebase Analytics (Firebase Analytics Privacy Policy: ● Data storage services. Currently, we use CloudKit (Apple Privacy Policy:

5.How do we treat other organizations?

In short, we are not responsible for the security of applications that are not owned by us and appear in our services through advertisements.

Our app may display advertisements provided by third-party services, allowing you to access applications provided by other organizations through these ad services. We cannot guarantee the security of your information in these services. This privacy policy does not cover the information collected by other applications.

6.How long do we store your information?

In short, we only retain the collected information for the purposes described in the privacy policy or as required by law.

The data we collect has different retention periods, depending on the nature of the data, how we use it, and your configuration settings: ●We automatically delete or anonymize other data, such as information in server logs, after a specified period. ●We retain certain data until you delete your account, such as information related to your frequency of using our services. ●Additionally, we may extend the retention period of certain data for legitimate business needs or legal purposes, such as ensuring security, preventing fraud and abuse, or preserving financial records. When you delete data, we follow deletion processes to ensure that your data is securely and permanently removed from our servers or retained only in an anonymous manner. We make reasonable efforts to protect information from accidental or malicious deletion. Therefore, if you delete certain content, it may take some time for copies to be removed from our active and backup systems.

7.How do we safeguard your information security?

In short, we make efforts to protect your information from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction. ●We use encryption technology to ensure the confidentiality of your data during transmission. ●We provide various security features, such as SMS verification, to assist you in protecting your account. ●We review our practices regarding the collection, storage, and processing of information, including physical security measures, to prevent unauthorized access to our systems. ●Personal information is only accessible to employees, contractors, and agents who need it for processing. Any individuals with such access are bound by strict confidentiality obligations specified in their contracts and may face disciplinary action or termination for non-compliance.

8.What privacy rights do you have?

In short, you can view, modify, or deactivate your account at any time.

If you need to deactivate your account, please contact us at, and we will process your request within 7 business days.

9.Control over “Do Not Track”

Most web browsers and certain mobile operating systems and applications include “Do Not Track” features or settings that you can activate to indicate your privacy preferences and prevent monitoring and collection of data related to your online browsing activities. Currently, there is no universally accepted technical standard for identifying and implementing Do Not Track signals. Therefore, we currently do not respond to Do Not Track browser signals or any other mechanisms that automatically communicate your choice to not be tracked online. If we adopt any future online tracking standards that we must comply with, we will inform you of such practices in revised versions of this privacy statement.

10.Requirements in the state of California

In short: Yes, we have developed a privacy policy in accordance with CCPA regulations.

According to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), we are required to disclose specific information to California residents. This privacy policy is designed to help you understand how we will handle your information, including: ●The categories of information we collect and the sources of this information. ●How we use the information. ●The circumstances under which we may share the information.

Additionally, under the provisions of CCPA, you have the right to request information on how we collect, use, and disclose your personal information. You also have the right to access your information and request its deletion. Lastly, CCPA ensures equal treatment when exercising your privacy rights.

11.Will we update the privacy policy?

In short: Yes, we may update the privacy policy when necessary, while complying with relevant laws.

We may periodically revise this privacy policy. We will not diminish the rights you have under this privacy policy without your explicit consent. We will always indicate the date of the last revision for your reference. For significant changes, we will provide you with a formal notice (including messaging notifications for certain services) explaining the modifications to the privacy policy.

12.How can you contact us?

If you have any concerns about the privacy policy, please contact us at

13.How can you view, update, or remove the information we collect about you?

If you need to view, update, or remove the information we have collected about you, please contact us at